"In 2014 I was faced with the decision to keep running from an outstanding warrant or to turn myself into jail and face the mess I made of my life. Looking back now, I can see how God placed many people in my life to help foster the decision to turn myself in, and thankfully so. Up to this point in my life, I spent six years of my young adult life addicted to any drug I could get my hands on. I was selling my body for money to buy drugs, and I was homeless, sleeping in abandoned homes. I was in abusive relationships, and I lost my son to Child Protective Services due to the drugs and chronic homelessness. After turning myself into jail I realized I needed to make a change in my life. The drugs, sex, and chaos just doing weren't working anymore and I wanted my life to be different; I wanted my son back, and I began to want Jesus back too. So, I turned to the only thing that was familiar in that dark cold room, the word of God; the Bible. I started reading, and as God spoke to my heart and gently called me to his side, I surrendered my life to him. Following my two-month jail stay, and a two-month rehab stay, my life changed forever when my mom died. God knew how broken I was, and he knew how desperately I needed to be mentored and discipled. He sent me to Praise Chapel and that's when I met for the second time, Mrs. Gail and Pastor Louis. My mom took my sisters and me to Praise Chapel when I was just a child. I never imagined back then how much of an important role they would play in my adult life. Mrs. Gail was the answer to my mother's prayers, to my own prayers as well. She spent over 3 years mentoring me, teaching me the word of God, and teaching me how to be a godly woman. She gave me life skills that to this day continue to help me as a mother and now a wife with a blended family. Her heart for what God was doing in my life, left me with treasures that helped shape me and mold me into the image of Christ. I'm forever thankful for her and I am so blessed to be a part of this journey where God is moving."